Earth Girl

Thursday, July 13, 2006

What Ben says

Answering the phone- Today Angela went out for a while and my other aunt (Sara), Ben, Avery and I were getting ready to go swimming. Sara was at the computer and her cell which was in another room (that Ben and I were in) started ringing. So she said 'Ben! Go get the phone!' So he went to get it and finally found it. He opened it up and I said 'Say "Hello!" Ben.' So after about half a second he had decided to take my advice and naturally said 'Wassup!?' I was laughing my head off.

We also finally figured out that slowtoe-ch was slowcoach. He kept handing me his armbands and saying 'Blow this up slowtoe-ch!' So it finally hit me that it was slowcoach (slowpoke). Which you don't really say a lot in America. Wonder where he got it from...

He also says 'Big Joke' (big jerk) alot. The other night, all the 'big' people of the house were up late watching TV. He comes running out wanting to go to the bathroom and asking for a potty sticker. After he went Angela was saying how he hasn't had one for 3 months and how she doesn't have any stickers anyway. So he goes off in a huff bad to his bed yelling 'Fine! Be big jokes! (3 second gap) F-Fine! Be big jokes watching TV!' Then marched back to his room. That left us laughing for a while.

This is another story about Ben but not about what he says. And it's short too. One night we were up late watching TV (again,but you can count it as quality family time too) and he runs out. Angela jumps up and gets in his pathway and was going to ask what he was doing but then he half-asleepily half-drunken-like yells 'POTTY!' So Angela runs out of the way. Afterwards she said something like 'When your 3 year old is running out of his room screaming 'Potty!', you get out of his way if you want your floor to stay clean!' Hmmm, excellent advice.

He USED to say 'paca' for popcycle and 'fuddywinks' for fire works. And last year he said 'Adios ya big jerk!'


At Thursday, July 13, 2006 , Blogger Code Yellow Mom said...

I like your blog, E.

I wish I could come hang out with you and your Aunt Angela! And Ben, of course.

Tell me what a slowcoach is.

At Thursday, July 13, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah I get to post..whats the matter code yellow you don't want to hang out with me:(


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