Earth Girl

Friday, June 27, 2008

Men and their Cars, what's their problem?

So, I take the bus to school with Katherine and it's a 5 minute drive from home. Right next to the bus stop is a small parking lot and to get to it, you have to go up a little hill where the entrance is. WELL, my Dad pulls in and goes almost to the back and turns around so he can get out again after he lets us out. It's always been, me and Katherine, a guy my age and a girl a year younger than K, but recently there's been a boy that's about 10 coming to the bus stop and his Dad's arragant habits, drives us nuts...

The first time we encountered him, he got to the bus stop before us and we couldn't turn into the parking lot because his car was parked on the hill ---- the only way to get in. We patiently waited for him to back up to let us in and we forgave him as it was his first time dropping his son off. But as we came into the parking lot, he drove back down so he was blocking the entrance. We figured he was just letting his son out and would turn out immediately after. He didn't. He stayed put until the bus came and drove off. But being the good people we are, we kept our odd looks to ourself and dismissed it.

The next day. He was there again, blocking the entrance. We waited for him to back up. We pulled in. He drove forward again. He did it the next day. And the next. Somedays we beat him there. But instead of waiting behind us after he had turned around, he zoomed past us to resume his perch on the hill.

Finally, my Dad decided that giving him his oh-so-cold evil eye was not enough. So, as we came up to the turn and saw him on his hill, my Dad didn't slow down and wait for him this time, he turned in without putting on his brakes until the last second, there was 2 inches left between their bumpers. I think that scared the crap out of him. So now he doesn't stay on the hill anymore. However, when we beat him there, he still thinks it's right to zoom past and park in front of us. But when he beats us, we remain BEHIND him. I think he thinks his authority has been undermined, and now that he's learned that he can't be top dog in the parking lot, he must act in this arragant way. Woah, psychology evalutation alert.

At least he doesn't drive a BMW. If we told my Mom about him and if he drove a BMW my momma would be out there in 2 seconds flat giving him a piece of her mind. She has a thing about BMW drivers :).

Anyway, I think the guy has told his son that we're the type of people that's putting England to shame or something silly, cuz his son is a real snot to us. Or maybe it's just in his blood :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Guess What Came in the Mail...


You will be seeing me and Gina wearing them when you pick us up from the airport :-D Cool or embarassing? Hmmmmm....

I know what I think!

Look, it gets better ---->
(It's gone a bit weird because I was balancing on some boxes in a closet in the middle of day and the t-shirt was on one of those gym balls :-))