Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Livin the Dream
I'm listening to Jason Mraz, babysitting Danyo, eating cheetos, blogging and sitting in America... SIMULTANEOUSLY!!! That's pretty impressive. So, I haven't done a propa post for A-ges. And this one is gonna be a good-un. So I've spent my summer with my cool aunt, my aunt who rides on her past coolness but she's still AWESOME and the Leishmisters. So far the highlight of my summer has been seeing Wicked and the worst part will be writing my English coursework on Romeo and Juliet. I haven't done that yet, but I can ASSURE you that will be the worst.
I brought my crazy English friend with me. I tried to prep her ALL YEAR for my Mom's family. It wasn't enough. I don't think it's possible. But she liked them so much she was like 'Dude, I'm coming next year, even if you're not.' (Danyo just turned on the vacuum - SO funny). So, while my friend and I were on the plane to the USA we kept flipping out every 5 minutes trying to contain our squealing fits. As soon as we were about to land in Atlanta, my friend G, immediately goes 'It looks like England.' My cool aunt took us to Wal Mart to get a shower curtain and we were all ready for a party, but as soon as we walked in we had no energy left - we looked like English Zombies.
ANYWAY... I'll skip ahead a few days to Chicago - we got to stay in an immensely groovey hotel. Where the 'Take my booger' scenario happened... (Sorry It's a little dark).

Then the Cheesecake incident where G bit S because she was in the way of the chocolate cheesecake. Apparently. Anyway, apart from Wicked I really enjoyed going to the Millenium Park all 5 times. We played in the big face fountains and dipped our feet into the feet-dipping stream and saw the big silver bean.
The Hancock was pretty cool, too...

But I would have to say the highlight of Chicago (apart from Wkd) was going to the toy section of Macy's :)

And TADA!!!!!! The show was A-MA-ZING. It was so amazing, I bought one of their incredibly overpriced hoodies :)

So that was Chicago. In MO, we went swimming everyday, ate Sheridan's and Grandma's burritos and took videos of the uber cute RED. We also did this quite a few times... Read it in your head first, then get a victim to read it out loud, but be preparerd to pee your pants. I learned it from a friend during a french revision period (?)
Eye arm wetawded
Eye arm wetawded
Eye arm sofa king wetawded
Get it? Did ya laugh? Ok, well that's fun to do in a big group.
Then I left for Oootah. We went to Yellowstone. On the first night, we (plus my aunt and uncle) went to see Oklahoma. It was pretty hilarious. I could quote my favourite line, but it wouldn't make sense to y'all.
Yellowstone we really serreal, especially the areas where the ground was orange or where the sides of the valley were orange and pink. It was really smelly though... Especially the Sulphur Couldron (aka The Gates of Hell). I think my little sister was about to puke it was that bad. We saw a bison roaming around. It was so cool. My sister took about 400 pictures that day, but unfortunately I don't have the camera.
Après ca, it was the Leishmister family reunion. That was pretty good, we ordered a 6 foot club sandwich that was massive. And there was homemade potato salad, root beer, brownies. Mmmmmm.... brownies. We played a bunch of games and then (being the rebels we are) my sister, cousin and I snuck off a whole 10 minutes early!! But the next morning we got to wake up at 5am to catch our flight. That was fun. And now I'm here and I'm ready to eat some lunch!!