Earth Girl

Friday, January 19, 2007

Typico Engwish wever

If I could go as high or low
as the wind,
as the wind,
as the wind
could blow. I'd go.
That's a poem that I remember from 1st grade.
WELL, yesterday, we were right in the middle of a storm (gasp!). We were at school minding our own buisness in english; discussing the importance of Shakepeare's first scene of Macbeth. When all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. It was a sixth former (dun dun dun!). Apparently some 1 foot by 1foot tiles had come off some building and might decapitate some people so we had to stay in our classroom for periods 5 - 8. We had double English, then we were going to Art. And I was going to show my magaly- cool donkey Egypt tapestry thing, because we had to bring in art from a different culture. We had to stay in the same boring old classroom and do an essay on why witches are significent (?). Then if we finished, we had to write a poem about the wind. A couple of guys craving for attention wrote a poem. Their origonal was about another guys egg-shaped head. But then they did a real one, and the rhymz were pretty OK.
Anyway, we were supposed to meet our mom by the bus stop because she had a haircut appointment. But the whole school was escorted to the library until their parents came and physically collected them . Because they said that until you get home, you are our pesponsibility, so if you get decapitated, we'll get sued. But once your parents have come to get you, your not our problem anymore. Or somsing like that. You can imagine how crowded le bibliotheque was.
I tried to call ma mere and she said she wasn't moving and that some trucks have been blown off the freeway. SO I just chilled in the library with the ovver people in my year.
A few eons later, me muvver called and said a friend was gonna pick us up. Hooray! So we went to the foyay and waited. I decided to enertain myself by attempting to sit ontop of the humongous mound of paper that was there. Katherine of course just hops and lands perfectly on it. Then laughs at my silly methods of getting up. I almost succeded but Mrs. Bushell walked in. So I came to the conclusion to contain my excitment about the mountain of paper until she left. She took forever though because she was talking to Katherine. I just smiled sweetly and thought about my stupid kitties. When she finally left, our ride came. Climbing the mound is still on my to-do list.
We got in le voiture and Joe was driving! He is 17 but that is a big deal over here. So Katherine was weirded out. I sat next to Victoria, who is A-M's age, but taller than me. We drove the le pizzaria and then went to there house. We stuffed ourselves with scrummy pizza. Then did the rest of our devoirs. i won't explain the rest in detail. Finally about 4 hours later mon pere came and said that he had been on the road for 5 hours. We got home then I took a bubble bath. THe rest is boringer than this so I won't waste the large amount of energy to type out how I went to bed.
The next day everyone was saying that their power had gone out and that their chimney fell off, their tree had fallen over, their bins and contents were thrown everywhee, their hot water was gone, their sister had to sleep in their room (a sister that apparently wants dreadlocks), the wind woke them up at 3am, they didn't get home from the bus until 10:30pm etc.
I heard on the radio that it killed 10 people.


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