Earth Girl

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Oops, I forgot!

A few things have popped into my head the last few days, and they are things which I had the intention of blogging about...

The Cricket: This was back when I was in Texas, but I was just about watch 6th sense with Angela. I can't remember exactly, but some how I was watching all of the 'safe parts' while she was on the computer. Then in the corner of my eye, I saw this big black splodge moving towards me. I don't think I screamed, but I definetly took a big breath in shock. (Now remember I live in England and I don't see these very often) It was a gigantic black cricket!!! I thought it was a mutant locust or something (even though I didn't know what a locust looked like). Now, somehow Angela ended up sleeping on the couch, I looked at her hoping that my powers would wake her up... it didn't. So it was up to me to get it out. By then it had noticed I was watching it so it wasn't moving anymore. But I just hate it when I have to catch a really really big bug and they are not moving because if they DO move, you have a heart attack and then you are even more intimidated of the thing that smaller than your palm.

Anyway, I started going for it. And of course it started spazing out and jumping towards the door. I got it in a cup and was trying to pick it up and throw it out, but all I had was some flimsy paper and a cup and I couldn't keep the paper sealed over the cup and it got out. I started jumping around like a loon trying to get it again. Try to picture it. It got some cover and I was about ready to pounce on it and it started moving again and went into a cubby hole. I think Angela was awake then and I told her the story and she was going to get it. Except it dissapeared!! Eventually we found it after moving the couch and looking wide eyed and cheesey for a while.

We finally got it in the bathroom and she threw a cubby-hole-box on it. Jay took care of it a fewe hours later after he came home from work (and this is another part of the story I can't quite remember) He might have been carrying it around by its legs and dropped it while Ben was looking up at the strange thing that all the big girls were arfraid of. I think Jay dropped it and Ben squished it. All that keeping it alive for nothing! :-) I would have done the same. Or have run away screaming. It remained on the floor for several days after that. It was like a butterfly museum that you can put on the walls, except it was on the floor, it was a cricket and it was all mangled instead of displayed beutifully. It freaked me out a few times after that because it looked alive! And it was right by the door, so every time you walked in the door you would see a big black thing that looked alive. eww.

Number 2: What is the world coming to? Ok, we were in the Trafford Centre, which is like the ONLY mall in he UK and we were eating dinner 'outside' technically it wasn't outside, it was just outside the restaurant but inside the building, does that make sense? Anyway, we were happily eating along (well I wasn't because mine was a kids meal and this one wasn't particularly nice) and I saw probably an 11 year old girl in jeans and a T-shirt with another little friend. She was walking really fast and she reached into her pants and pulled out the sides of her underwear ( it might have been a thong but i would have been strings she would have pulled out right?). There were 2 guys in red suits and walkie-talkie's following her. She was just looking for trouble. And what she did was so, GROTESQUE! ahhh. Andd she was only about 11!

Number 3: Extension from GO-APE! (Mormon camping and going ape) I forgot to put that we were all excited to go on the thing called Tarzan. You swung on the rope and landed on a big net, like a spider web, then you had to crawl your way back up to the platform. Now, this one was absolutely HUGE! Anyway, I was the first one and I was looking for the rope. I could see this string that looked like what would hold the rope up and it was in the paddlocked thing and it was open. So I thought 'That doesn't look very safe' and so I plugged it in and changed one number. I bet your all thinking as your reading this 'Well that was pure genious (in a sarcastic way)' It turns out that was the rope and when I tried to undo it again, it wouldn't work. Ooooops.


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