Earth Girl

Sunday, February 11, 2007

That Darn Cat

Yesterday my big sis went to Madrid, and my little sis just went to somebody's house from church. So right now I'm an only child. I had tea with my mother, then we got bedsheets, then we got dog shampoo. Even though we don't have a dog, the store didn't have any cat shampoo. I wanted to get this amazing cat sack, which is just basically a sack, but it's specially made for cats. Edwin would have had a wild time in there, but we didn't get it. Everytime we bring home a box, or a bag or an object like that, he's in there like nothin you've ever seen before. He just sits in there waiting, and then when you walk by *boom* there's a cat in you face that just jumped out of the floor. I also wanted to get this amazingly cool brush, and the playmat, and this absorb-a-lot towel, and this spray stuff. It was so exciting to be in a pet store!

I got home and I was on a mission to give that stinkin' cat, Stinkerball, a bath. Now, I'm going to let you in on a little secret; there is a REASON you don't give cats a bath. Actually there's a number of reasons. The cat scratches your face off, you get unbelievabley wet, you have this constant screeching in your ear, you are physcologically scarring your cat, you have to run around the house to try and dry her AND you won't have the love of a cat for a very long time.

Our other cat, Edwin was taking pleasure in provoking her, and watching me attempting to comfort her. I should have giving hime a bath the way he was treating her. But if you ask me, he's already mentally ill, so I don't need to worry about physcologically scarring him for life. Now I have a poor, shivering cat under the desk that resents me and and all she did was accidently poop on herself. And she smells like a wet dog now.

When We were having tea, this adorable little boy came over to our table for a second. He looked like he was just about to leave but then my mom said 'Hi,' he got all embarassed then looked at me then went behind my Mom's chair. I couldn't see him, but then his head came out of my Mom's arm and said 'Rararara!' he did that several times to me which made me laugh. His mother called him and his name was 'JJ' and then he explained to her that he was simply being a tiger. How sweet.


At Tuesday, February 13, 2007 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE to read your blog, I am like K I love to use all the towels. I thought your dad was a good cook what is up with the "take-out". Hey did you every get your ring and watch??? Love ya


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