Earth Girl

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Typico Saturday

I've just finished painting my nails for the second time this hour, and I have already scratches some nail polish!! I am wearing a Mickey mouse hat, flip-flops and a pencil in my hair. A-M is in the living room watching TV. My Dad is still in his little corner on the computer, Kafwin is in her room and my Mom is in Majorca.

Katherine is making a laundry pile on the stairs, and the clothes just keep on acomin'. For the last 20 minutes I have thought that she was finished. This morning I was looking for a towel and the only clean one I could find was a little biddy one. I turned to Katherine and said 'Stop consuming towels.' She denied eating towels so I just took a bath with my little towel. Just now when K was riding down the stairs on her chariot of smelly clothes, I saw at least 4 towels. So I said to her 'I knew you were haording towels!' She did a little guilty-but-trying-to-cover-up-guilt laugh. Then she says 'I have about 5 more upstairs.' Honestly.

Yesterday was Friday, and we had double classics. I was sitting near the back of the room and because I am and amazing student, my teacher didn't suspect anything when we started passing around love letters, as you do. They were faske, of course but I sent one to a boy on the next table. Basically the only conversations we have is when he is teasing me about my accent and how uncivilized America is. Of course I ignore him and know full well that he secretly wants my accent. He is going to bring in the song about liking waffles for me, I am very curious. And he is also very lanky and tall and he does all of these goofy dance moves that makes him look absolutely ridiculous.

Anyway, I sent him: Dear Chris, I love you because you arew bringing me the waffle song. I hate you because you make fun of my accent. But I love you because you make me laugh when we dance. I passed it over to his table and the guy sitting next to him read it first and laughed. Then said, 'We come as a duet.' Hahaha. Later on in the lesson, I remebered something that I heard eons ago. When you mouth 'Colourful' it looke like you are saying 'I love you.' So of course I have to mouth it to Chris to see if it works. I did it, then he mouthed 'I love you' back. That cracked me up.

There is also this group of boys in my class that like to go 'EricAA' In a very manly, deep voice and emphasize the 'a'. I just ignore them to make them feel like retards, according to my Dad that's how it works. But sometimes I go 'WhAA?' That's basically how we communicate. One time in biology when one of the guys did it, I immediatly said my line back, it's a habit now. And someone behind us burst out laughing.

Typically, sice my Mom is in another country, my Dad feeds us Chinese take out one night, then pizza the next.

Now everyone is in the living room watching Italian Job, I can hear machine guns and people noisily dying, or 'Darkness covering their eyes' as you say in Classics. So I must join them...Ciao!


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